10 DC Alternate Universes You Won’t Believe Exist

1. The One With The Nazi STD Superman - Animal Man #23

Dark Multiverse Knightfall
DC Comics

There is literally no limit to how weird DC's Earth-17 is willing to get during its brief stint in DC's spotlight. Despite having only ever appeared to us in brief glimpses, the universe still managed to bring us a punk Green Lantern, the world's henchest Wonder Woman, and a concerningly normal-looking Flash.

Top this surreal cast with a version of Superman named Overman, and add the fact he goes insane after getting a sexually transmitted disease, and you have a beautiful disaster on your hands, made all the more perfect when it's revealed that all the Justice League were cloned from Overman's cells, meaning that they're actually a sort of dystopian version of The Addams Family more than anything.

Overman would later be redesigned so that the symbol on his chest was a Nazi swastika, just to try and make this universe even weirder than it already was - to mixed success, as Earth-17 was already a complete fever dream in the first place.

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