10 DC Characters Weaker Than Superman Who Could (In Theory) Kill Him

1. Doomsday


This isn't just "in theory", of course, because it has actually happened, but the fact is Doomsday has proven that Superman can be killed by a simple physical beating.

That said, the fact that Superman allowed this to happen was nothing short of stupidity - plot-induced stupidity, of course - because he is actually far more powerful than his monstrous counterpart. In terms of basic physical strength and durability, the pair are relatively equal, but when you consider that Superman has consistently demonstrated a much higher level of superspeed than Doomsday, can fly and has ranged attacks such as heat vision and freeze breath, you have to wonder why he resorted to the tactic of a close-ranged, non-superspeed slugfest with the behemoth.

Had Superman fought tactically, he should have worn down Doomsday with relative ease or taken the fight to space and dumped the non-flying Doomsday at the wrong end of the universe. But no, they fought out a fist fight which killed the Kryptonian hero. So there you have it; ten DC Comics characters who are weaker than Superman but who could (in theory) kill him without prep.

What do you think of this list? Which other characters who are weaker than Superman could theoretically kill him? Let us know in the comments box below. And please feel free to follow me on Twitter!

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I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.