10 DC Characters Who Discovered Batman's Secret Identity

2. Silver St. Cloud

Robin Batman
DC Comics

Batman’s love interests learning his secret identity is certainly nothing new. Between Talia Al Ghul, Catwoman, and even Wonder Woman in some continuities, it’s been proven time and time again that the best way of getting under the mask is by getting with the World’s Greatest Detective.

But, the redeeming factors in all these cases lies in the fact all these romances have been with either superheroes or supervillains - meaning that often, the case is that these women are trained in tracking people down and espionage, which means it’s inevitable they eventually uncover down Batman’s true identity.

In the case of Silver St. Cloud, however, this could not be further from the case. St. Cloud’s only superpower is that she is also a billionaire, and yet in pretty much every comic series where she meets Batman, she manages to uncover his true identity with an almost worrying speed.

Is Batman’s secret true nemesis the only woman in the known universe who can always spot him from a mile away? Only time will tell.


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