10 DC Characters You Didn't Know Joined The Suicide Squad

9. Solomon Grundy

Power Girl Harley Quinn
DC Comics

Solomon Grundy has, interestingly, existed in the Suicide Squad twice - once in the actual Suicide Squad comic in 2018, and once twelve years prior in Superman (Vol.2) #182.

The exact reason why Grundy was used once and then removed from the roster for over a decade is unclear, especially as both of the grey-skinned goliath's appearances make it clear that he would have added both extra threat and extra character to the Squad, were he to be recruited permanently.

Superman #182 sees Solomon briefly contracted to try and scare Lois Lane off releasing a story about Lex Luthor - although it's never quite explained exactly why Waller has randomly recruited Grundy for this single mission and never another.

In Suicide Squad #35-36, Grundy once again just shows up - as though he's been secretly benched by Waller all this time - in order to take out Damage, DC's answer to the Hulk. In fact, with #36 showing what appears to be Solomon in a stasis chamber, he may literally have been stashed away by her during this time - although this does raise some questions as to whether they're continually releasing him back into Gotham after they're done with him.


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