10 DC Heroes With Surprisingly Tragic Origins

4. Booster Gold

Booster Gold Heroes in Crisis
DC Comics

Booster Gold is a glory hunting time-traveller from the future desperate to win affection (and money) from those in the 21st Century. Gradually, over time, Booster comes to realise that there's more to being a hero than fame and riches, and it's one of the most gratifying characters arcs readers have had the pleasure of seeing develop over the last couple of decades.

Still, Booster's initial motivations for travelling back through time and getting rich come actually stem from his tough upbringing. Michael John Carter was raised in poverty in the future, courtesy of his father, who ran out on both him and his sister after losing all their money gambling. Still, Carter was able to turn things around, and became a star athlete with a scholarship. Things were going well... until his father returned.

Michael's dad managed to convince him to throw games on purpose so they could cash in on the winnings, and it cost him his career. This is what led him to travel back through time; to regain his reputation, and potentially enjoy some financial gain after years spent living in poverty.

So yes, while Carter eventually learned there was more to super-heroics than fame and glory, he can be forgiven for thinking as much given how hard his lot was to begin with.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.