10 Doctor Doom Moments That Prove We Need Him In The MCU

1. That Time He Became God (Again) And Ripped Out Thanos’s Spine - Secret Wars (2015)

Doctor Doom Infinity Stones
Marvel Comics / Esad Ribic / Ive Svorcina

As time progresses, comics will inevitably re-tread old ground and with a new Secret Wars came a new godly powered Doom. This Doom was the God Emperor of Battleworld, a patch-work planet consisting of various sections of the Marvel multiverse. Ruling with an iron fist, Doom was worshipped as a God while allowing the more powerful of the Marvel roster to rule areas of Battleworld as Barons.

Towards the end of the event, God Emperor Doom found himself in the midst of a rebellion led by the surviving heroes and villains of the 616 and Ultimate universes. Between Hulks raining from the sky and a giant version of the Thing slugging it out against a flaming Galactus, the revolution had a lot going on. But that didn’t stop Thanos from going straight for the God Emperor himself.

Thanos challenges Doom, bragging that even without an Infinity Gauntlet he could Defeat him... something that he regrets immediately, as Doom reaches into his chest and rips out his spine with skull still attached.

And if you don’t think that’s a moment we need on screen, then I’m sorry, but you might hate fun.

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Fantastic Four Terry Dodson
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