10 Doctor Doom Moments That Prove We Need Him In The MCU

3. That Time He Became Galactus And Ate The Entire Universe - Marvel Two In One: The Thing & Human Torch

Doctor Doom Infinity Stones
Marvel Comics

On an alternate earth, the Fantastic Four’s first encounter with Galactus did not go in their favour. After the Thing was killed trying beat the purple force of nature in a fist fight, Reed Richards went mad with grief and tried to kill Galactus himself, an effort that left the whole world defenceless.

Enter Doom, with a plan and fancy alien technology, who quickly sets to work on building a device to save the world, something he achieves by swapping minds with Galactus, leaving the devourer trapped in Doom’s body, while Doom’s mind now controls the cosmic force of nature itself.

Despite his newfound hunger, Doom swore to the people of Earth that they would be spared. Being a man of his word Doom did not eat the Earth, he ate everything else. Literally everything. Like the Hungriest Caterpillar Doom ate the entire universe.


I'm just a man who spent £40K on a marketing degree, and then decided to write about comic books. I think I made the right choice.