10 Dumbest Ways Superheroes Have Died

8. Nightwing In Injustice

Hulk Death
DC Comics

Of all of the deaths in Injustice, there is only one whose tragedy is matched by its mundanity: the death of Nightwing, within the first volume - or 'year' - of the series.

During a fight between Nightwing and Robin, the younger hero throws an escrima stick at Grayson, who catches the stick to the temple, stumbles, and then falls on a rock that breaks his neck.

It's been a much begrudged moment by fans for how minor falling on some rock is in terms of causing a major superhero death - especially in a series where people are vaporised into blood spray or torn limb from limb.

That said, the everyday nature of the death works well in terms of the plot, because it's such a possible mistake that it makes the resulting conflict - and complete outbreak of rage from Batman - all the more understandable.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.