10 Dumbest Ways Superheroes Have Died

3. Deadpool Vs. Elephant

Hulk Death
Marvel Comics

One of the most fun parts of Deadpool not being able to stay dead is that writers love to create as many dumb deaths for the Merc with a Mouth as is basically humanly possible.

While there's pretty much endless deaths to choose from - from explosions, having a human parasite living in him, and other superheroes to name but a few causes - the most hilariously weird of these is unmistakably the time Deadpool was gored by an elephant, and still made time to crack jokes while his internal organs slowly started being external organs.

It's the most classically in-character moment that Deadpool can get - aware he's about to die for at least a good couple minutes before he regenerates, but also pretty chill about the situation at large. If everyone was as relaxed about their mortality as Wade Wilson, the worst would be a better place - or otherwise, full of a lot of corpses.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.