10 Essential Relationship Tips We Learned From Superheroes

2. Keep Your True Identity A Secret

We've seen that superheroes provide clear evidence of how dressing up in the bedroom and filming yourself engaged in sexual congress can help revive even the most flagging relationship, but comic books are perhaps the best proponent for proper roleplaying to spice up your love life. In fact, it goes even further than just your plain old, garden variety putting on a Gladiator costume because your missus fancies Russell Crowe, or rolling your hair up into Princess Leia buns for your nerdy squeeze, just for a night. It might be better if you just roleplay all the time! Think about it. Whilst a overwhelming proportion of comic romances that occur between a superhero and a civilian, the ones that everyone loves (ie draw fan art of) are the relationships between two costumed people. Superman and Wonder Woman, Batman and Catwoman, Brain and Mallah...briefly. There's something more mysterious and sexy when you're both concealing your identities. Plus you can be sure you'll never be reduced to discussing tax returns and the weather whilst you're clad in spandex and domino masks, because then you'd just look silly.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/