10 Funniest Comic Advertisements
2. Batman's Hostess Fruit Pies
Of all the superheroes you could canonically see trying to hype the experience that is a Hostess fruit pie, Batman is just about the last on the list. Yet a room full of people somewhere clearly sat down and said “So, we can all agree Batman likes a fruit pie, yes?” because this advert exists in real life, and not some sucrose-induced daydream.
In fact, during the seventies, Batman was used to advertise more sugary snacks than you’d imagine; Twinkies, cupcakes, and even a particularly charming Taco Bell range in the late eighties. It should come as no surprise that Bruce Wayne is a billionaire – turns out he’s been a marketing agent for longer than a lot of comic characters have even existed.
All this said, seeing DC’s most brooding hero reacting to a fruit pie with what can only be described as all-encompassing joy is unmistakably one of life’s simple pleasures.