10 Grim Realities Of Superhero Origins
3. Daredevil Would Be Super Annoying
The origin story: The three big parts of Matt Murdock's origin story are Catholic guilt, daddy issues, and a radioactive isotope to the eyes. Raised by a single father after his mum left to become a nun, Murdock's boxing father "Battling" Jack instilled a strong sense of right and wrong in his son, as well as teaching him some fighting skills. It was the former which came into play when Matt leapt to save a blind man from being hit by a truck whilst crossing the street; the truck careened out of control and dropped its cargo, some radioactive chemicals, which struck the young Murdock in the eyes, blinding him.It also heightened his other senses, which came in useful when Jack was murdered by gangsters after refusing to throw a fight. Suiting up in a costume based on his father's boxing outfit, Matt became Daredevil, the man without fear, using his powers and fighting skills to clean up crime at night, whilst working as a defence attorney by day.
The grim reality: Well, first things first, that's not how "chemicals" work. We know we've already been over this with The Flash, Spider-Man and the like, but the chances of an amorphous substance affecting your biology for the better is unlikely. He probably would've gone blind by having some weird gunk go right into his eyes, but they wouldn't make his other senses go all echolocation-like. He'd just be another blind guy.
If you want to stretch things a little you could look at the rare example of Ben Underwood, a kid who had his eyes removed when he was three and taught himself echolocation at the age of five, detecting the location of objects by making frequent clicking noises with his tongue. So at best Daredevil would be the Man Without Fear making constant annoying noises with his mouth.