10 Grossest Comic Book Relationships You Won't Believe Exist

7. Joker And Harley Quinn

Quicksilver Scarlet Witch Ultimate Thumbnail
DC Comics

It should come as no surprise that the clown duo are a pretty unhealthy relationship. A good chunk of their comics cover the fact that, all cool aesthetic and occasional healthy characterisation aside, the two basically make each other worse than they already are – and given they’re both murderers solo, that’s saying something.

Hell, Harley’s entire arc in basically every Suicide Squad comic ever is either missing The Joker, or hating his guts and doing anything possible to avoid being like him. Of Joker’s long, bloodstained history, a decent chunk of his worst deeds have been done to the one person he’s supposed to not want to maim.

In 99% of comics, the pair are the poster child for a toxic relationship, and that’s gross enough to make the faceless Joker pale in comparison.

Both Joker and Harley have better functioning relationships with the godamn Batman than each other – and while that means he’d be a perfect couple’s counsellor, it also means the whole thing becoming healthy is unlikely.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.