10 Harsh Truths You Don't Want To Admit About Comic Books‏

3. And It's A Colossal Waste Of Your Money

Speaking of which, the reason that these comic publishers get so much bank? Because you give them so much, dumb dumb! And why do you give them so much? Because they sucker you in with those big crossover events! And also because they've steadily raised the price of single issues to the point where it seems perfectly fine to drop four bucks on a 20-page floppy you'll have read in the time it takes you to walk down the street from the comic shop. And you'll do that with multiple comics. And you'll do it every month, or even every week, for the rest of your life. There's no denying that comic books are a total waste of money, just as cinema tickets, just-released videogames and hardback books are. They're priced as high as possible, and the cost of admission rarely reflects the quality of the product you're gonna get. At least with comics you have the option of rereading them as much as you like, but given that most of them are hot garbage (see point eight on this list), do you really want to? But if you don't drop that twenty dollars a week on all the latest issues, you might miss out on the good stuff, and so you keep on feeding the monkey on your back and the people who tell the monkey to keep crapping on you and jacking up the price. If you don't wanna pay the steep price of buying issues as they come out, you could always just wait for the collections! Except they're frequently just as overpriced, and suffer a lot from comparison to a second-hand paperback which would take you way longer to read, and at just a fraction of the cost. Comic books are an expensive business. That's why we never, ever look at our bank accounts after a Wednesday. It's too much to admit to.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/