10 Hated Comic Book Characters Who Were Killed Off

1. Jason Todd - Death In The Family

Batman Jason Todd Robin Death in the Family
DC Comics

Jason Todd's demise in Death of the Family is without a shadow of a doubt one of the most controversial comic deaths of all time, largely because it was one that was entirely down to fans wanting Todd to kick the bucket.

Because, before the comic was made, a phone poll was opened up, where fans could call in to either vote to end Todd's life, or to have him escape his capture at the hands of the Joker unscathed. However, there is controversy over whether the vote was rigged, as even comic creator Dennis O'Neil believed that the vote had been altered by a man who'd rigged his phone to vote for Jason's death every couple of seconds for eight hours.

Despite this, it's undeniable that there was a thirst to see Jason die, which is profoundly ironic now, given he became one of the most popular members of the Batfamily once he was revived.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.