10 Hated Comic Book Characters Who Were Killed Off

4. Ch'p - Green Lantern: Mosaic #2

Batman Jason Todd Robin Death in the Family
DC Comics

Now, while the fluffy squirrel Green Lantern named Ch'p wasn't loathed to the same degree that characters like Ben Reilly or Damian Wayne were, that didn't stop him being killed off due to fan resentment.

But how could anyone dislike a precious creature like Ch'p? Well, they did for one very crucial reason: he was naturally kind of silly. And while the Green Lantern franchise could make room for some silliness, having one of the main members of their cast be a tiny regular chipmunk felt slightly too much for the tone the series was generally trying to reach - which would explain why they killed the poor little guy off so brutally.

In the second issue of Green Lantern: Mosaic, Ch'p faces a squirrel's natural enemy: a truck. Unfortunately, it's also a truck with yellow lights on, meaning that the critter is unable to use his Lantern powers to escape the oncoming four-by-four, instead being crushed underneath it.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.