10 Horrifying Comic Implications

5. The Joker Knows Batman Is Bruce Wayne

lizard spiderman
DC Comics

This one is perhaps the most well known in terms of strange comic facts, as many comics suggest - or just downright say - that the Clown Prince of Crime is aware of the fact that Bruce Wayne and Batman are one and the same. Interestingly, some of these comics try to imply that there's no danger from the Joker knowing this information, as the villain is "not interested" in Bruce Wayne, only his Kelvar-clad counterpart.

Which, for the record, is hogwash, especially since we see him use a knowledge of all the Batkids different pasts in the Death of the Family series. Forget the fact that the Joker is a psychopath and relentlessly capable of providing unique tortures to people - he also clearly knows how to use Batman's secret identity to make the people around him hurt, and yet this is kind of glossed over the majority of the time.

Why Bats hasn't let every single person he knows in on this particular piece of gossip, since it very much applies to them and could equal the difference between life and death. Maybe he's embarrassed, who knows.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.