10 Human Comic Book Anti Heroes You Don't Want To F**k With ... Ever!

10. V (V for Vendetta)

V For Vendetta Considering everything that happened to him prior to the events of V for Vendetta the character V could be forgiven for his violent and highly illegal actions. Having been imprisoned in a room without reason and experimented upon the man - whose real name is never revealed - sets about bringing down the omnipotent powers that be who are running Britain as a totalitarian state. At face value he is simply an anarchist intent on destroying the powers that be but there is so much more to it that that. He has been horrendously wronged in his life and those same powers that be have more to do with it than meets the eye. In the eyes of the law V is a criminal. There's no two ways about it. But to the oppressed masses of not so Great Britain he is a Robin Hood-like figure who is standing up for what is right. His methods - as questionable as they might be - are what make him such a great anti hero. His skills with explosives and daggers make him a complete badass and the Guy Fawkes mask just completes the look.
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Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.