10 Immortal Comic Characters (Who Actually Died)

8. Ulysses Bloodstone - Rampaging Hulk #8

Galactus Dead Thanos Imperative
DC Comics

Ulysses Bloodstone is the biggest badass that the Marvel universe rarely ever features.

To be fair, there is a pretty justifiable reason we haven't seen him in any recent comics or events - and that reason is, as you've likely predicted, that he is very dead.

Bloodstone's arc in comics revolved around him getting revenge for the death of his tribe, who were murdered en masse by the powerful (and evil) Hellfire Helix, a creature from another universe that aimed to study and take over the Earth. After a long and arduous road, Ulysses is kidnapped by an evil organisation suitably named the Conspiracy, who aim to reform the Helix by putting all of its pieces back together - which involved removing the shard trapped in Bloodstone's chest that had kept him alive all these years.

Despite this, Ulysses did not fully die, having absorbed some of the residual energies of the shard into his flesh. When the Helix was reformed, Ulysses saw his chance, and grabbed the gem, entering into it and destroying the Hellfire Helix for once and for all, though ultimately sacrificing himself in the process.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.