10 Incredibly Unlikely Duos In Comic Books

8. Judge Death/Mrs. Gunderson

A surprisingly sweet one, this. Not to be confused with the cop from the Coen Brothers' Fargo, Mrs. Gunderson served as alien superfiend Judge Death's landlady in the origin tale Boyhood of a Superfiend. In the story, we find Judge Death holed up in a Mega City apartment block, looking to tell his story to a world which misunderstands him and his motives. Journalist Brian Skuter investigates: he listens and records as Death (posing under the subtle moniker Mr. De'Ath) tells the story of his upbringing and subsequent transformation from mortal Judge to murderous immortal Dark Judge. Things don't end too well for Skuter, but the half-blind, almost deaf Mrs. Gunderson emerges from her encounter with Death completely unharmed. Death's reasoning? In a world where all life is a crime, Gunderson is the only truly innocent person he has ever encountered. Aww.
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A film critic and professional writer of over ten years, Joel Harley has a deep and abiding love of all things horror, Batman and Nicolas Cage. He can be found writing online and in print, all over the Internet and in especially good bookstores.