10 Insane Alternate Robins You Won't Believe!

4. DC One Million Toy Wonder

Deathwing Evil Robin
DC Comics

This very odd story takes place in the 853rd Century. Even then, there is still a Batman and Robin. To paraphrase Amanda Waller in the wonderful Justice League Unlimited episode 'Epilogue', the thought of a world without a Batman is unacceptable.

By this point, Batman has a robotic Robin as a sidekick, nicknamed The Toy Wonder. In this time, Batman (whose real name is never revealed) was an orphan whose parents were guards on Pluto, which had become a prison planet. During an uprising, Batman was forced to watch his parents be killed, setting off his mission to avenge them.

This mission included digging back through centuries of information to discover the original Batman and Robin, and what they stood for. This Batman didn't feel complete without a Robin, so he built one and programmed it with his own personality from when he was an innocent child.

The Toy Wonder, an extremely advanced robot, came to realize that Dick Grayson acted as a conscience for Bruce Wayne; a balance that was intended to keep Batman from going too far in his quest for revenge.

Robot Robin became this same conscience, ensuring that even a Batman centuries removed from the original had his sidekick.

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Child of the Canadian '80s. Fan of Star Wars, Marvel (films), DC (animated films), WWE, classic cartoons. Enjoys debating with his two teenage sons about whether hand-drawn or computer animation is better but will watch it all anyways. Making ongoing efforts to catalogue and understand all WhatCulture football references.