10 Insane Alternate Versions Of Wonder Woman You Won't Believe Exist

9. Ororo Munroe

Wonder Woman Justice League Gods and Monsters

In a 1996 crossover event between Marvel and DC, Ororo Munroe (better known as Storm of the X-Men) became that reality’s version of Wonder Woman. On the surface, they seem like a decent fit to amalgamate, with similar morals and leadership qualities, but the story unearthed some ways they differed too.

Her origin is rather different as well. Ororo is drowning in the Hudson when Queen Hippolyta saves her and takes her home to Themyscira, raising her as an Amazonian princess. As she gets older, it becomes clear that her mutation gives her the ability to control the weather, something the Amazons help her train.

In a nice combination of the two characters, this version of Wonder Woman keeps the lasso of truth, but it’s made from Storm’s own harnessed lightning bolts. Despite these powers, she still must keep her metamutant status a secret, while the MarStorm wears it on her sleeve more proudly.

Eventually though, she joins the Justice League X-Men and settles well. Once Aqua Mariner leaves (no prizes for guessing who he’s an amalgamation of), she even becomes the JLX’s leader.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)