10 Insane Times Comics Revealed A Hero's Future

7. The Maestro - Future Imperfect

King Thor
Marvel Comics

The Hulk is insane in his own right, but when you give him the intelligence of Bruce Banner and the negative personality traits of his gamma beast, it becomes something terrifying.

The Future Imperfect world is another dystopia, only this time all superheroes have been killed by nukes. With the world on the brink of extinction, the Maestro takes control of the world.

There's a surprising amount of stories that use The Maestro has a means to play with the present Hulk's mentality. It's not as WTF as it is one of the most insanely brilliant uses of a potential future to deal with the present.


A.J. Carey is a child of pop culture, learning to read on comic books and raised like any true '90s child on films way above his age range and network television!