10 Insane Times Superheroes Teamed Up With Their Worst Enemies

8. Green Arrow & Shade - The Archer's Quest

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DC Comics

The Archer's Quest is probably the greatest Green Arrow story ever told, and right at its centre is one of the unlikeliest alliances going.

First things first, The Archer's Quest comes immediately after Oliver Queen's return in the pages of Kevin Smith's Quiver. Prior to that comic, Ollie had been killed defusing a bomb and was trapped in the afterlife, and though it would've been easy for DC to sweep the resurrection trope under the rug, Brad Meltzer instead opted to dissect it fully, examining the real consequences of what it would be like to return from the grave, and pick up all the pieces from that point onward.

It's a wonderful tale (a must, for DC fans), but one of its most interesting dynamics involves the relationship between Oliver Queen and Shade, who's commonly depicted as a Justice League villain.

It turns out that, in the event of his death, Ollie had asked Shade to track down and destroy all of his personal belongings so that other villains couldn't use them to target his family. It's a brilliant moment in the comic, and one that's best conveyed by reading the actual text itself - so read it!

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Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.