10 Insanely Dark Batman Moments The Movies Won't Show You

7. Lord Death Man

Joker Robin Damian
DC Comics

In any logical, sensible format, you'd never in a million years expect a villain named 'Lord Death Man' to have anything near a dark moment. Yet, in the magical world of comics, this is exactly the case, with the skull-face immortal man having a surprising share of dark moments for such a goofy looking guy.

Death Man's return in the 2011 Batman Incorporated comic highlighted this nightmarish potential best, when the seemingly dead villain is cut open during an autopsy - and then proceeds to brutalise the surgeons carrying out the operation, with his pierced open neck wounds seemingly having no effect on him.

It's twice as disturbing for how little you expect it, and provides a healthy enough serving of body horror that it'll leave you shuddering internally everytime you think about it.

Add in the fact that Batman left the bizarre villain trapped in space for years as punishment for his crimes - which is troubling in its own special way - and you've got a villain whose time in comics is without a doubt on some list of antagonists banned from featuring on the big screen.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.