10 Insanely Dark Batman Moments The Movies Won't Show You
2. Arkham Asylum's Family

Truth be told, there are incredibly few moments in A Serious House on Serious Earth that wouldn't qualify as insanely dark. Disease-dripping villains, electrotherapy, and a bloody fight with Killer Croc, however, all manage to be outweighed in terms of grim tone by one small section towards the end of the comic.
Throughout the comic, we are shown the ever-unstable Amadeus Arkham - owner of Arkham Asylum - but it is only towards the closing of his story that we get an understanding as to what made him this way.
In a scene that feels more like a deeply disturbing fever dream than a series of comic pages, we're shown Arkham discovering that one of his patients has broken into his home, killed and assaulted his wife and child, and dismembered them, later finding his daughter's head in a dollhouse she used to play with.
The event is understandably responsible for a total and immediate breakdown of the owner of Arkham Asylum, and sets the tone for the rest of the comic - which then gets even darker, despite the fact that should probably be impossible.