10 Invincible Moments That Shocked The World

4. Monster Girl's Secret Child

Invincible Image
Image Comics

Although the majority of hype superhero action does centre around our main character Mark, it is worth mentioning that all the side characters of the series have equally exciting arcs and reveals, regardless of how big a feature they are in the comic.

Case in point: Monster Girl, a superhero who was cursed to take the form of a huge ripped monster that she eventually gains control over. While trapped in an alien universe, Monster Girl decides to relax with a bit of good old fashioned alien sex, which - unbeknownst to her - results in said alien getting pregnant.

And she remains unaware of this for a good while, even leaving this universe in ignorant bliss. Issues later, when the heroes get in a fight with a huge green alien, this all changes, as the alien looks Monster Girl straight in the eyes and calls her his father. Suddenly realising she's been fighting her own child, Monster Girl freaks out, routinely visiting her buff alien baby when he's placed in prison. They work together in the end, though, so at least the pair get a happy ending.

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I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.