10 Manga You MUST Read

4. Akira

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Speaking of hellish landscapes...

Neo-Tokyo’s what you get when the actual Tokyo is relentlessly obliterated by the mysterious titular character and WWIII breaks out shortly there after. A post-apocalyptic nightmare, the world of Akira introduces us to an array of dangerous, futuristic characters and set-ups.

There are agencies out there determined to prevent such a tragedy from reoccurring, monitoring Neo-Tokyo for anyone else with burgeoning paranormal powers. Enter Tetsuo and Kaneda, 2 street tough teens forever changed by Tetsuo’s budding (and alarmingly volatile) superpowers. Now a high priority target, the troubled Tetsuo lives in danger of an agency consumed with terror at the notion of Akira’s return.

Often regarded as one of the most vital and game changing manga of all time, Katsuhiro Otomo’s brilliantly illustrated Akira was a smash hit with readers. It is also often credited with creating the popular Japanese cyberpunk genre that became a fixture of many stories during the 90s. Akira’s success would lead to the famed 1998 anime film adaptation often credited with popularising the anime and manga medium in the west, especially in the United States.

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