10 Marvel Comics Characters Deadpool Has Killed

5. Captain America

Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe Again
Marvel Comics

Okay, so it was a clone of Captain America that Deadpool killed on this occasion, but it totally counts since Doctor Bong's generically engineered version of Steve Rogers had the same powers and combat skills as the real McCoy.

Even by Golden Age Marvel Comics standards, Doctor Bong is a goofy villain. He has a metal ball where his left hand should be and uses it to create concussive blasts by striking this steely appendage against his bell-shaped helmet.

But 2010's Deadpool Vol 2 reimagined the villain as a more credible threat, a master of genetic engineering who uses this know-how to create clones of Cap, Black Widow and Moon Knight and lures Deadpool into teaming up with them.

As this story came to a head and the deception came to light, Wade Wilson found himself locked in brutal conflict with the faux Captain America, and the Merc actually came out on top, putting an end to his cloned opponent with a rifle shot to the head.

The Secret Avengers help Deadpool bring Doctor Bong to justice, but it's the merc who has the final say, cutting off the mad villain's arm so he can no longer wield his primary weapon, before handing him over to the real Cap and his teammates.


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