10 Mind-Blowing Facts You Didn't Know About Captain America

9. The Winged Helmet

Captain America Facts
Marvel Comics

Captain America's uniform isn't a costume but a symbol. The red, white, and blue colours, the star on the chest, and the Big A were chosen to inspire and embolden US troops. On the battlefield, there's nothing more inspirational to the Allied forces than watching a hero draped in the American flag effortlessly vanquish their enemies.

Another distinctive part of Cap's outfit is the white wings on the helmet. Contrary to popular belief, these feathers aren't meant to represent America's national bird, the bald eagle. (The bald eagle's wings are brown, not white.)

The winged helmet design dates back millennia and was used to depict Roman and Greek gods. Considering deities like Hermes, Mercury, and Roma donned the helmet as a symbol of swiftness and military duty, it makes sense for a patriotic hero like Cap to wear such a garment. Even though the first Flash, Jay Garrick, and Thor also wore winged helmets, Captain America is the most famous superhero to sport the look.

Sadly, the pointy wings design didn't make the transition when Captain America was incorporated into the MCU. Instead of sticking out, the feathers were simply etched onto the sides of his mask.


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