10 Misconceptions You Have About Working In The Comics Industry

10. You Don't Just Read Comics All Day

Major SpoilersMajor SpoilersJust as people assume that the people who design videogames sit around in front of their Xbox all day, so too do people assume that those who write and draw comics just spend all their time pouring over back issues and graphic novels. Which is only half true, if that. Of course, to be a truly great creative team you need to have knowledge of and passion for the form, so chances our most people who make comics have read a fair amount of them too. But they'll be damned if they can find any time to do so when they start working, let alone spend the majority of their time with their noses buried in newsprint. The comics industry is incredibly competitive, even by the standards of fellow entertainment sectors like films and games. There's a reason you'll see the same names cropping up in the bylines of multiple different single issues in a month: because they work had, and they only got where they are today by working hard, and they'll only stay there by working hard. Creating comics is more than a full time job, because with a full time job you work normal hours and get a holiday every once in a while. With so many people clamouring for work and the constant rolling deadlines that come from the monthly output of most major, mainstream titles, there simply isn't the time to read any comics other than the ones you're working on. Sitting around reading comics when you should be working in most jobs would result in a sharp reprimand, and nothing more; if you're spending more time reading than creating when you're in comics yourself, you could soon be out on your butt.
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Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/