10 Mistakes Non-Comic Book Fans Make About Comic Books

10. Getting The Big Companies Mixed Up

An awful lot of people who aren't fans of comic books get the big companies - particularly DC and Marvel - mixed up with each other. By that, we mean that they either think it's all one company and that Superman and Spider-Man exist in the same universe, or that they know both companies exist but have absolutely no idea how to differentiate between them. Admittedly, this is understandable. If you aren't a fan of something, there's no reason to know such things, but anyone who is a fan could instantly tell the difference between a DC comic and a Marvel comic by the look and tone of the art and the language inside them. DC, as a general rule, print darker comics than Marvel and, although that isn't a completely universal truth, it's something that fans can spot from a mile away.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.