10 More Most Disgusting Comic Book Deaths

7. Spider-Man - Deadpool Kills The Marvel Universe

Hulk Kills Iron Man
Marvel Comics

One day while Deadpool is doing his usual Deadpool-ian routine, his two inner voices suddenly vanish and are replaced with a new voice. This voice tells Wade a secret, one that is so horrifying to the merc with a mouth that he goes completely insane and proceeds to kill everyone in the Marvel universe.

There are many entries on this list that could have come from this brutal comic, but I managed to boil it all down to one shocking moment: when Deadpool put a gruesome end to his bromance with Spidey once and for all.

Spider-Man, obviously, takes some issues with what Deadpool is doing, and the two fight through the streets of New York. But just as it seems Spider-Man is about to make this a very short miniseries, Deadpool pulls a gun and blows half of Peter's face clean off, commenting that Pete's villains really should've thought of that as an attack strategy a while ago.

It's a shocking and sudden death, not to mention gruesome, as you see blood and bits of teeth flying off of what remains of Spider-Man's face.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?