10 Most Anticipated Comics Still To Come In 2017

8. The Mighty Thor

Mighty Thor 700
Marvel Comics

Release Date: October 18

Jason Aaron, not content with leading just about the best damn Thor run in history, set about relaunching the Marvel Universe this week in Legacy #1. It teed up a whole array of different storylines for various characters, team ups and more, but one of the more interesting revelations dwelled on the fate of the Odinson and, more specifically, one of his most powerful enemies.

We are of course talking about Mangog, and with the series approaching a milestone 700th issue this winter, it's clear that there are big plans in place for the character. Ragnarok will undoubtedly influence what's to come in the comics themselves (evidenced by Hela's presence in the above promo), but this is still very much Aaron's story - one that'll feature a whole array of Thors tackling an immense cosmic threat.

The last we saw of the Odinson he was drinking away his sorrows in an Asgardian bar, but the very Unworthy Thor will be mounting a return soon no doubt, in what'll have to be the most Thorsome moment in Aaron's series thus far. Make sure you don't miss it.

Content Producer/Presenter
Content Producer/Presenter

Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.