10 Most Badass Daredevil Moments

1. Escaping Latveria

Daredevil Throne Alex Maleev
Marvel Comics

For those who weren't sure enough that Mark Waid's Daredevil run was explicitly made for him to look like a huge badass, there exists one solid point of proof - also known as the comic's 15th issue.

In a gambit to make the most inescapable scenario ever, the writers of Daredevil trap him in Doctor Doom’s castle, and then have him blasted with a gas that slowly takes away all his other senses. If you were trying to come up with a plan that would kill Daredevil, you’d likely come up with something way less intense than the plot of this comic.

Admittedly, his badass escape does end with him being flown out of Latveria by Iron Man, but since it was Daredevil alone that got from a sealed chamber in Doom’s castle all the way to the border of the country – all while totally deprived of his senses – we can maybe forgive him for hitching a ride home instead.

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