10 Most Brutal Fights In Superman Comics

3. Darkseid

Superman vs Thor
DC Comics

Darkseid, the dreaded tyrant god of Apokolips, is one of the franchise's most imposing adversaries. His overwhelming power and total disregard for free will make him a threat too much for any hero to individually handle... unless they are a completely enraged Superman.

This was the case in the Jeph Loeb-penned 2004 storyline, which saw the introduction of Kara Zor-El, aka Supergirl, into modern DC continuity.

Naturally, the presence of a new Kryptonian warrants attention from all corners of the universe and this includes the Apokoliptan despot as well. He kidnaps Kara for his own devious agenda and later on decides to kill the Man of Steel once he, Batman, and Wonder Woman interfere in his plans. Kara is seemingly killed in the fray (fortunately it was all part of a gamble on the heroes' part), and this sends Superman into a frenzied rage against Darkseid.

The two titans duke it out across the Kent Farm and even outer space, where Superman savagely beats down his opponent, even breaking his arm and causing him to bleed. The fight concludes with Superman activating a Boom Tube and flying through it with Darkseid to the Source Wall, in which he imprisons the villain.


David Ng'ethe hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.