10 Most Disturbing Scenes In Marvel Comics' Ruins

2. Ghost Rider Lighting his Head on Fire

Marvel Ruins Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

Sheldon travels to Nevada to visit a carnival that has reports of superhuman activity. Here he finds Johnny Blaze, known as Saint Johnny around these parts. Saint Johnny has a very special trick, the nature of which Sheldon does not exactly know. In mainstream Marvel continuity, Johnny Blaze is the alter ego of Ghost Rider, but in this reality he is just a stuntman who becomes a much more horrific version of the character.

It slowly dawns on Sheldon what Johnny is about to do when he rides out on his motorcycle and the reporter can see the deep scars on his face. Blaze douses his head in gasoline, sets it alight, and rides his motorcycle out to the stunt course. This particular time though, Saint Johnny never returns as his motorcycle rides on with him dead at the handlebars.

The art really sells the horror of what is happening and you can't help but cringe in pain with what you see. Despite the fact he never speaks, you can feel the desperation of Saint Johnny, believing he has to be this version of himself. It's all quite unsettling.


Sven Engvall is a writer currently residing in the Bay Area. He enjoys reading comics, watching baseball, and writing nonsense on the Internet for fun.