10 Most Disturbing Supervillains That You’ve Never Heard Of
1. Kid Miracleman
An offshoot of the bizarre, disturbing, and darkly enthralling Miracleman series - or Marvelman series, depending on which company owns the series when you pick it up - Kid Miraclemen is just about one of the most messed up characters in history. Not Marvel history. Not comic history. Just history.
Kid Miracleman is, unsurprisingly, the sidekick to Miracleman, and works on roughly the same power system as other kid superheroes like Shazam, where he can transform into his superhero form after saying the word 'Miracleman'. The key difference is, however, that Kid Miracleman is almost a different person, and as such, decides that he doesn't fancy taking the backseat for a literal child, instead staying as he is for 20 years before Miracleman realises the issue with his once young ward.
While this all sounds fine, it means that when Miracleman is brutally beating down the villain, he's actually beating down a totally innocent child, causing him unimaginable pain. Similarly, when Kid Miracleman does any of the terrible atrocities he carries out in the series, we know that a helpless child is watching every single untold horror, unable to look away.
Enjoy your nightmares.