10 Most Disturbing Supervillains That You’ve Never Heard Of

6. Murmur

The Skinless Man
DC Comics

The kind of villain that horror movie bad guys dream of being like, Murmur's backstory is nothing short of a fresh nightmare - one that features him cutting out his tongue and stitching his mouth shut, just to make sure that he gets one or two extra points on the creepy scale.

You'd be forgiven for thinking Murmur must have some kind of special power, or secret fighting ability, but he's quite simply just a really creepy guy, who happened to brutally mutilate himself for kicks. His blood is a little different, but that only prevents him from being able to die from lethal injection, which is a disappointing Bounty from the Celebration box of superpowers.

While Murmur did appear both in the Infinite Crisis series and as an enemy to the Flash, he ended up still somehow going relatively under the radar, likely because all the writers at DC were too creeped out by him to actually use the character.


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