10 Most Evil Versions Of Superman

6. Superman Of Apokolips - Superman: Dark Side #1-3 (1998)

Sinestro Superman
DC Comics

As we all know, Jor-El placed Kal-El in a pod before Krypton exploded and sent it in the direction of Earth.

But in the Elseworld three-parter, Superman: Dark Side, the ship was intercepted by Darkseid before it reached Earth and Superman was raised on the hellish world of Apokolips. Darkseid believed the Kryptonian's power could be used to eliminate his nemesis, Highfather, and so, raised Superman to obey him unequivocally.

When Darkseid believed Superman's power had peaked, he supplied him with a bomb and had him detonate it on Highfather's world, New Genesis.

Before the explosive detonated, Highfather pointed out to Superman that he had been brainwashed by the forces of Apokolips since birth. He then teleported Supes to Earth to show him the life he would've had if Darkseid didn't seize his ship when he was an infant.

After seeing how compassionate humans are, Superman develops a conscience and realises he had been deceived by his master his whole life. Teaming up with the New Gods that survived New Genesis's destruction, Superman battles Darkseid and defeats him. He then becomes the new ruler of Apokolips and begins reseeding New Genesis, hoping to return the world to its former glory.


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