10 Most Hated Retcon Changes In Marvel Comics

7. Scarlet Witch’s Kids Were Real, Then Fake, Then Real Again

Scarlet Witch Child
Marvel Comics

From one super psychopath to another, let’s talk about the Scarlet Witch and her extremely odd relationship with her offspring.

As the daughter of Magneto, Wanda Maximoff’s family ties were always bound to be somewhat strained, and she certainly didn’t disappoint after having some scrappers of her own.

It’s still difficult to pin down the exact relation between Scarlet Witch and her alleged twin sons, Wiccan and Speed, who discover their apparent parentage after both becoming members of the Young Avengers.

Despite being an android, The Vision is undoubtedly the most famous of Maximoff’s love interests—more so than Wonder Man or brother Quicksilver, but that’s another story—and she had two boys with the robotic rockstar. Or so she thought, until it became clear they were a creation of her own reality-shaping powers.

It gets weirder.

As it goes, Wiccan and Speed were actually made from two pieces of the soul of the demon Mephisto—a form of Marvel-equivalent of the Devil—and when he attempted to reabsorb those pieces, it killed him, and they were subsequently reincarnated as Billy Kaplan and Thomas Shepherd—aka Wiccan and Speed.

It’s unknown as to whether these boys were created from birth or simply took over the bodies of two unassuming children already in existence—we know which one’s darker.

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