10 Most Heroic Things Lex Luthor Has Ever Done
1. Defeated Darkseid - Justice League Unlimited

Justice League Unlimited was basically the team behind the original show taking everything that worked about the first two seasons, finally ironing out all the kinks, and making what worked work even better. And nowhere is that more apparent than in the truly epic series finale, where Darkseid, with the armies of Apokolips under his control once more, descends upon Earth to exact his vengeance on Superman.
Lex and the remaining supervillains team up with the League, but in the end it all comes down to Superman, Lex, and Batman squaring off with the monstrous New God. Despite Superman finally going all out with his powers to put Darkseid in the ground, Lex realizes that they're going to need something a bit more powerful to take him down. This is where he finds the New God Metron and demands that he show him a way to defeat Darkseid. Metron agrees, taking him to the Source Wall.
We then see Lex returning to the fight, only to offer Darkseid the anti-life equation, the thing he had been searching for all his eternal life. But when he takes it, the two are enveloped in a cataclysmic explosion that seems to kill them both.
The show basically confirms that there's no way they're gone for good, but regardless, this is without question the most heroic thing Luthor has ever done in his entire career as Superman's arch-nemesis.
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