10 Most Heroic Things Lex Luthor Has Ever Done

3. Cured The Amazo Virus - Justice League #39

Lex Luthor Justice League Unlimited
DC Comics

The supervillain Amazo has taken a wide variety of different forms over the years, but one of his most unique iterations was that of the Amazo Virus in the pages of Justice League.

After the events of Forever Evil, Lex was officially made a member of the Justice League, which definitely served them well when the Amazo Virus - which gives whoever it infects dangerously powerful superpowers - starts sweeping the planet with no sign of stopping.

Things are made more difficult when Lex confesses to being the one who created the virus, originally as a way of battling Superman, before it got completely out of control and mutated beyond his initial capacity to eliminate it. After calming down a rightly pissed off Superman, Lex puts two and two together and realizes that since it was made to battle Superman's DNA, it might work the same way backwards. So using some of Superman's blood, Lex manages to finally find a cure.

Sure it was him cleaning up a mess he had already made, but at least he legitimately wanted to clean it up instead of it being some scheme or something.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?