10 Most Heroic Things The Joker Has Done

2. Helping Humanity Survive

Joker Batman Europa
DC Comics

Turns out all the Joker needs to become a good guy is just the end of society as we know it.

When the world regresses to pretty much the dark ages within Superman: Distant Fires, Joker is suddenly an absolute hero, breaking a lifetime streak of murderous intent to help others.

Joker becomes a pillar of the community, using his skills to rebuild society instead of destroying it. It's completely surreal to see him and the Man of Steel working together, but in this specific scenario it works scarily well, and really emphasises the way in which people had to forget the 'old way' of living in order to make their future the best it can be.

It's reassuring to know that, when the chips are down and the world looks like it's about to end, even the Joker can put his homicidal tendencies on the backburner in order to help humanity out.


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