10 Most Inappropriate Comic Book Characters

10. Arseface

Seen In: Various issues and spinoffs of Preacher, 1995-2000 Arseface almost gets a pass because he was created by someone who knew how to mix offensiveness and sweetness like few other writers, Garth Ennis, on his long-running series, Preacher. He€™s a teenager who tries to emulate Kurt Cobain€™s suicide by shooting himself in the head, misses, and ends up with the facial problems you can see for yourself, which inspire his nickname and leave him all but unable to speak. Quote: "Uh tumuhfuhyuh vuhyuhuh Uhfuh!" So that€™s facial deformity and teen suicide, played for laughs. Ennis, believe it or not, just about managed to make the character work by turning around and writing his story with passion and empathy right after the tasteless parts had made readers lower their guard. But everyone else at DC is better off not messing with him, and the prospect of his coming to the TV edition of Preacher is a little nervous-making.
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T Campbell has written quite a few online comics series and selected work for Marvel, Archie and Tokyopop. His longest-running works are Fans, Penny and Aggie-- and his current project with co-writer Phil Kahn, Guilded Age.