10 Most Inappropriate Daredevil Storylines Ever

6. Daredevil Commits Identity Fraud

Daredevil Black Widow 2
Marvel Comics

Daredevil often has forms of identity crisis - after all, there was a brief period of time where he thought he was seven different people - but by far the weirdest of these has to be the time he pretended to be his imaginary twin brother, Mike Murdock.

Not only does Matt keep up this ruse with his nearest and dearest - despite how absolutely unsettling it is to see him lie to them so often for no reason - but he actually starts a relationship with Karen as Mike, which is wrong on several different levels.

Matt even considers proposing to Karen as Mike, which is not only a horrible thing to do to the woman he is in love with, but would also be a total crime, as at this point Mike would be legally considered an actual person, which he is very much not.

For a lawyer, Daredevil seems very unconcerned with the fact that he conspires for some time to commit major identity fraud - although maybe this is actually because he is a defence attorney.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.