10 Most Inappropriate Spider-Man Storylines

8. Norman Osborn And Gwen Stacey Sleep Together - Sins Past (Amazing Spider-Man #512)

Spider-Man MJ Peter Parker
Marvel Comics

The single most infamous weird Spider-Man storyline without a shadow of a doubt has to be that of the 'Sins Past' storyline, which saw the weirdest sexual plot twist to happen in comics to date.

In a move that fans pretty much universally despised, it was revealed that just before Peter and Gwen Stacy started dating, she slept with Norman Osborn - known perhaps better as the first Green Goblin - and became pregnant with twins from their encounter.

Not only is this messed up because it retroactively makes it so Gwen never told Peter she was pregnant the whole time they were dating - which comes with its own set of problems - but it also makes the Osborn family dynamic even weirder, as Gwen had also famously dated Harry, Norman's son.

This wild storyline is only made weirder by the art direction, as the panel of Norman creepily staring at Gwen while they have sex is one of the single most unsettling choices an artist has ever produced outside of a horror comic.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.