10 Most Inappropriate Spider-Man Storylines

2. Spider-Man's Radioactive Semen - Spider-Man: Reign

Spider-Man MJ Peter Parker
Marvel Comics

The one sad thing about Spider-Man: Reign is that it's a really interesting and unique take on Peter's life as a hero, and yet it will only ever be brought up in order to talk about the fact that, in it, Spider-Man kills MJ by accident because every fluid his body produces is mildly radioactive - meaning that her demise is largely the fault of Peter having radioactive semen.

The main issue with this is that it's revealed in what is clearly supposed to be a very dramatic and solemn moment, but the idea of someone's spider-nut being a weapon of lethal destruction simply cannot be taken seriously, and so you're left awkwardly giggling at what should be one of the most serious points of the entire series.

Although Reign is, as many fans describe it, 'The Dark Knight Rises' of the Spider-Man franchise, it's well worth a read - even if you have to put it down for a minute or two when the spider-spunk plot point comes out.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.