10 Most Powerful Asgardian Weapons In Marvel History

6. Balder's Sword

Heimdall Bifrost
Marvel Comics

While Balder’s sword doesn’t have an official name, it is still deadly in the hands of the Asgardian God of Light. Given to him by Odin, Balder uses his blade as a channel for his light creation abilities. Once, Balder generated so much light that it melted the entire fortress of Utgard-Loki and reduced a gang of frost giants to a tiny size.

The sword can also be used to transport others across great distances. In Thor #180, Balder and Sif needed to fight against a brainwashed Thor. Summoning his blade, Balder willed it to transport Sif away from the battle. During the fight, Balder managed to hold his own against his brother, swinging his blade blow for blow with Mjolnir.

On Odin’s passing, Balder became the reluctant new King of Asgard. Much like his father’s spear, Balder’s sword became a symbol of his rule.

An example of the sword’s authority happened after the events of the Siege storyline. In the wake of Asgard’s destruction Balder wished to abdicate the throne, but Thor convinced him to stay. The god of light raised his blade to announce his claim and his people bowed before the sight of it.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.