10 Most Powerful Avengers Ever

3. Blue Marvel

Thor Chris Hemsworth
Marvel Comics

Blue Marvel is one of those characters few have heard of seeing as he's only been around since his debut in 2008's Adam: Legend of the Blue Marvel #1. Despite being relatively new to the Marvel Universe, the guy is ridiculously powerful, which is why it's surprising that more people haven't heard of him.

Blue Marvel's powers were picked up by the character, one Adam Brashear, back in the 1960s thanks to a failed anti-matter experiment. He picked up his powers, but so too did his pal Conner Sims, who went on to become Anti-Man, his arch-nemesis.

Thanks to his anti-matter origin story, he has abilities few in the Marvel Universe possess including an ability to harness anti-matter to create objects. He can also transmute matter at the molecular level, which he's used every now and again to heal himself and his allies.

In terms of strength, he rivals many on this list to include the Hulk, but he also has endurance and durability that may exceed that of the Hulk and others. He is able to fly, is super-fast, and is pretty much invulnerable.


Jonathan is a graphic artist, illustrator, writer, and game designer. Jonathan retired from the U.S. Army in 2017 and enjoys researching and writing about history, science, theology, and many other subjects. He writes for ScreenRant, CBR, NerdBastards, Listverse, Ranker, WhatCulture, and many other sites online. You can check out his latest on Twitter: @TalkingBull or on his blog: jonathanhkantor.com